Covid-19 et Inflammation
Publications scientifiques des membres du GREMI
Inflammation / Immunitée
Neuraminidase is a host-directed approach to regulate neutrophil responses in sepsis and COVID-19. de Oliveira Formiga et al. Br J Pharmacol. 2023 Jun;180(11):1460-1481.
Risk stratification through extensive allergy work-up in COVID-19-mRNA vaccine allergic reactions. Soria et al. Allergy. 2023 Aug;78(8):2320-2323.
Immediate hypersensitivity to COVID-19 vaccines: Focus on biological diagnosis. Nicaise-Roland et al. Front Allergy. 2022 Sep 30;3:1007602. doi: 10.3389/falgy.2022.1007602. eCollection 2022. PMID: 36249342 Free PMC article. Review.
Innate immune deficiencies are associated with severity and poor prognosis in patients with COVID-19. Peyneau et al. Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 12;12(1):638.
Differential activation of human neutrophils by SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Lebourgeois et al. Front Immunol. 2022 Oct 27;13:1010140.
Circulating IL-6 but not neutrophil extracellular traps levels can predict anakinra effectiveness in patients with severe COVID-19. Granger et al. J Leukoc Biol. 2022 Dec;112(6):1365-1367.
Outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection is linked to MAIT cell activation and cytotoxicity. Flament et al., Nat Immunol. 2021 Mar;22(3):322-335.
Phenotypical and functional alteration of unconventional T cells in severe COVID-19 patients Jouan et al., J Exp Med. 2020 Dec 7;217(12):e20200872.
Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19. Bastard et al., Science. 2020 Oct 23;370(6515):eabd4585.
Broad-spectrum antiviral activity of naproxen: from Influenza A to SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Terrier et al., bioRxiv (preliminary report) 2020.
Proteinase release from activated neutrophils in mechanically ventilated patients with non-COVID-19 and COVID-19 pneumonia. Seren et al., Eur Respir J. 2021 Jan 8:2003755.
Pulmonary immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 infection: harmful or not? Guillon et al., Intensive Care Med. 2020 Oct;46(10):1897-1900.
Controlled Heat and Humidity-Based Treatment for the Reuse of Personal Protective Equipment: A Pragmatic Proof-of-Concept to Address the Mass Shortage of Surgical Masks and N95/FFP2 Respirators and to Prevent the SARS-CoV2 Transmission. Bernard et al., Front Med (Lausanne). 2020 Oct 20;7:584036.
Tackling osteoarthritis during COVID-19 pandemic. Castro da Rocha et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2021 Feb;80(2):151-153.
Antirheumatic Disease Therapies for the Treatment of COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance. Putman et al., Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021 Jan;73(1):36-47.
Swinging the pendulum: lessons learned from public discourse concerning hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19. Sattui et al., Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2020 Jul;16(7):659-666.
Festina lente: hydroxychloroquine, COVID-19 and the role of the rheumatologist. COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance. Graef et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 Jun;79(6):734-736.
A Rush to Judgment? Rapid Reporting and Dissemination of Results and Its Consequences Regarding the Use of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Kim et al., Ann Intern Med. 2020 Jun 16;172(12):819-821.
Managing patients with rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic: The French Society of Rheumatology answers to most frequently asked questions up to May 2020. Richez et al., Joint Bone Spine. 2020 Oct;87(5):431-437.
Maladies rénales
Steroids: A Therapeutic Option for COVID-19 Pneumonia Patients With ESRD? Delafosse et al., Kidney Int Rep. 2020 Jun 17;5(8):1375.
Lopinavir-Ritonavir Associated Acute Kidney Injury Is Not Related to Crystalluria in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients. Arrestier et al., Kidney Int Rep. 2020 Nov;5(11):2119.
Autres publications et vidéos scientifiques
Le 13 septembre 2021, la FHU SEPSIS a organisé le symposium "SEPSIS, le vrai visage de la COVID-19 : Mieux comprendre et mieux soigner" - World Sepsis Day Le GREMI a participé à ce symposium : Immunology of sepsis and Covid-19: new players in Covid-19? (Sylvie Chollet-Martin)
Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19. RECOVERY Collaborative Group, N Engl J Med. 2021 Feb 25;384(8):693-704. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2021436. Epub 2020 Jul 17.
Systems biological assessment of immunity to mild versus severe COVID-19 infection in humans. Arunachalam et al., Science. 2020 Sep 4;369(6508):1210-1220.
Influenza infection, SARS, MERS and COVID-19: Cytokine storm - The common denominator and the lessons to be learned. Ryabkova et al., Clin Immunol. 2021 Feb;223:108652.
Modèles animaux
SARS-CoV-2 infection of Chinese hamsters (Cricetulus griseus) reproduces COVID-19 pneumonia in a well-established small animal model. Bertzbach et al., Transbound Emerg Dis. 2020 Sep 18:10.1111/tbed.13837.
The Roborovski Dwarf Hamster Is A Highly Susceptible Model for a Rapid and Fatal Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Trimpert et al., Cell Rep. 2020 Dec 8;33(10):108488.
Vidéo : "Le système immunitaire face au virus SARS-CoV-2" Michel Goldman
Informations grand public
Société de pathologie infectieuse de langue française (SPILF) vaccins-covid-19-toutes-les-reponses-a-vos-questions
Dossier : Spécial COVID-19
"Dossier coronavirus : suivez les recherches sur la pandémie"