Last update: 13/02/25

Covid-19 and Inflammation
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Mélodie Douté:

"Exploring the interplay between chronic thrombo-inflammation and megakaryopoiesis, in
the development of microvascular lesions during vasculitis-associated glomerulonephritis"

Thesis directors: Antonino Nicoletti & Marc Clément


Congratulations to Véronique WITKO-SARSAT who received, with Theresa PIZARRO (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland) one of the two Woman in Science Awards 2022 from the IAIS (International Association of Inflammation Societies)

This prize, presented by Nathalie VERGNOLLE, President of the IAIS, rewards women, regardless of their nationality, who have made a significant contribution to research in the field of inflammation and who have international recognition.

This distinction is also intended to promote the visibility of women in science, this message, carried by GREMI for many years, is particularly important for future generations of researchers.

Webmaster X. Norel (Email)
© 2024-2027 GREMI, copyrights


Next One-Day GREMI meeting

Last abstract deadline: February 28th, 2025
Click here to access the registration page

Printable Poster (A4, pdf) of the One-Day GREMI meeting


Sylvain Perruche (GREMI's member) is a co-organizer of this congress


GREMI recent activities

3 members of GREMI (Nathalie Vergnolles, Véronique Witko-Sarsat, Xavier Norel), with the president of the International Association of Inflammation Societies (IAIS), Dr. Jason McDougall (center), and the local organizer Dr. Marc Pouliot (Université Laval, on the right)

GREMI was involved in the organisation of the WCI2024 with 2 symposium:

Symposium sponsored by the GREMI and Ambiotis:
Novel Points of Control of Lung Inflammation

Chairs: Dr. Véronique Witko-Sarsat, Dr. Mustapha Si-Tahar
(on the right below)
with Dr. Erwan Pernet and Pr. Bruce levy (from left to right)

Effect of CFTR modulators on lung inflammation and neutrophil functions in cystic fibrosis
Dr. Véronique Witko-Sarsat, Institut Cochin, France
- Neonatal cross-talk of alveolar macrophages and neutrophils regulate lung inflammation
Dr. Erwan Pernet, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
- Metabolic control of virus-induced lung inflammation 
Dr. Mustapha Si-Tahar, Inserm-CEPR, France
- Specialized pro-resolving mediators in respiratory diseases
Pr. Bruce Levy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA

Symposium Brazil - GREMI (France) sponsored by Solutex:
Lipid mediators for resolution and beyond
Chairs: Dr. Mauro Teixeira, Dr. Xavier Norel

- Novel molecules and mechanisms resolving inflammation, suppressing fibrosis
Dr. Catherine Godson, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Abnormal resolution of inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis: A role for Specialized Proresolving Mediators
Dr. Valérie Urbach, INSERM, Université Paris-Est-Créteil, France 
- Maresin and SPMs in human arteries and heart, interactions with PGE2 pathway

Dr. Xavier Norel, INSERM U1148, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France
- SPMs in atherosclerosis and aging

Dr. Gabrielle Fredman, Albany Medical College, USA


The GREMI is involved (Xavier Norel) in the 9EWLM Bioactive Lipid Meeting
organized by ESLM - Edinburgh (Abstract submission dead-line: May 1st)


One-Day GREMI Meeting

Pictures of the meeting are on-line
(to remove a picture, an email could be sent to

Registration and abstract submissions


GREMI (Sylvain Perruche, Marc Dubourdeau and Xavier Norel)
is supporting and participated in the 3rd Resolution Days


The World Congress of Inflammation WCI2022 took place in Rome (Italy), 5-8th June 2022
THANK YOU to the speakers of the symposia organized by GREMI which were a great success.

The symposium "Thromboinflammation as an emerging key actor in diseases related to covid-19" organized by Véronique WITKO-SARSAT and Xavier NOREL provided an opportunity to pinpoint the new biologic roles of platelets and megakaryocytes. The data presented by Bernard PAYRASTRE (Toulouse), Morgane BOMSEL (Paris) and Grace THOMAS (Montpellier) have clearly shown the importance of these emerging players in inflammation.

The symposium "Microbiota and inflammation: mechanisms and potential treatments" organized by Céline DERAISON and Nathalie VERGNOLLE addressed some still unexplored notions of the abundant research on the microbiota in particular the problem raised by biofilms exposed by Jean-Paul MOTTA (Toulouse) and the therapeutic advances addressed by Giovanni BARBARA (Bologna).